Monday, February 8, 2016

Coming Down

Closing Time

Coming Down by Dum Dum Girls

Recommended by Mary

"I really love this song and can listen to it on repeat. I love the emotion and the slow build-ups. I feel like it's the type of song that would be playing in the background as I sit in an almost empty bar, stirring my drink, and listening to cue balls clanking against one another and darts thumping against the wall."

Beautiful imagery! A casual night out, thinking about life, telling the bartender you don't want to talk about it. That's my ideal setting for listening to this song.

I had forgotten that this was used during the ending credits of an episode of Orange is the New Black (that episode was actually so upsetting). That makes sense, because this show always has the best music. It's funny, even before I looked into the pop culture history of this song and realized it was in OitNB, I thought to myself that it reminded me of "You've Got Time" by Regina Spektor, especially the tone quality of DeeDee's vocals during the Here I Gos.

For the record, they both have spectacular voices.

This song is loaded with emotion, from the slow tempo to the faraway vocals to the bitter lyrics that slice through the dreamy haze of the musical elements to deliver a sharp dose of reality.

It's about the feeling you get when a good time in your life comes to a close. The most obvious interpretation would be heartbreak, when you think back to the high points with your significant other and can't remember why or how you were ever that happy. But it could also be about the end of any important chapter in your life. Moving out of your parents' house. The death of a relative. The loss of a friend. Friendship break-ups are honestly underrated on the pain scale. That s**t hurts.

This song makes me just feel, which is kind of ironic since it's about drowning out your feelings at the bottom of a bottle. Or, I guess, it's about the emptiness that follows when they cut you off.

You can't even appreciate it properly unless you close your eyes, because everything about it screams at you to look inward. Reflect, you know? You'll get through this.


Indie Pop Rock

Favorite Lyrics:
I close my eyes to conjure up something,
but it's just a faint taste in my mouth.

Feels like the high before you're "coming down."

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