Monday, July 11, 2016

The Sun Song

The Blog Post

The Sun Song by Michael Tolcher

"I just LOVE this favorite Tolcher song! Reminds me of when my kids were little and we loved supporting our friend and his new album."

This song always reminds me of that book series Maximum Ride, by James Patterson.

You know when you listen to an album for the first time, and you play it on repeat for a while, and that becomes the soundtrack for a certain era of your life? Like how I was really into Taylor Swift in freshman year of high school, and now anytime I think about 2009, I hear Hey Stephen in my head.

Yeah, well I was introduced to Tolcher's album I Am around the time I as reading Maximum Ride, and this song fit particularly well because all those characters had, um, wings to fly away.

Regardless of its connections to any books, I like that line: I'm not afraid; I have my wings to fly away.

Since we're on a roll with the optimism this week, I'll compare tonight's track to yesterday's. Rick Astley says that the angels will take care of you; Tolcher, rather, asserts that you can take care of yourself.

While I wouldn't say Tolcher's song is free from religious undertones - on the contrary, the lyric asking to be shown a path seems to directly address some sort of god - it's more generally spiritual.

The Sun Song is reminiscent of that quote about how a bird is unafraid of falling not because it trusts the branch but because it trusts its wings. I like the idea of a guardian angel, but I like even more the idea of being my own savior.

I get lost in the verses, but the message told in the chorus is clear and positively empowering.

As far as sound, I'm never disappointed by a guy and a guitar. At least, not when the guy's vocals sound as good as Michael Tolcher. More impressive - as I'm sure you can tell from the video above - he can even do it live.

The studio version of this song has a little extra going on in the way of production, but I'd rather not get into that since I embedded the acoustic performance. If you want to hear it, buy the album ;)

Fun fact: Michael Tolcher has opened for such acts as Maroon 5, Dave Matthews Band, and Hanson (x).



Favorite Lyrics:
Show me a path, and I'll be led.

so the drama

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