Wednesday, October 12, 2016


"Home Is Where Your Heart Feels Alive"

Home by Morgxn

"I was sold on that killer bass line."

This song is awesome. I love "grooving guitar melodies and sultry vocals [that] float like thick smoke through the verse" -- and, of course, the killer bass line (x).

The coolest thing is the disconnect between the message and the melody. Listening to the funky bass get down behind a vocal line that is heavy and, quite honestly, a bit dark, I wouldn't expect this song to be talking about going home.

Nothing about this song feels familiar to me. Nothing feels comforting.

The ah ah ahhhhhhs sound like a battle cry. They choir that takes over during the chorus sound distant and unreachable, faraway.

If anything, this song feels like you're leaving home, discovering something new.

I love the feelings that I get from this song. It's about strength, it's about forward motion, it's about edginess, it's about confidence. None of those are things I would typically associate with the warmth and nostalgia of home.

I guess home means different things to different people.


Electro-Church (whatever that means)

Favorite Lyrics:
Take me back home
where the blood run through my soul.

can't describe it; there's nothin' like it

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