Not THAT Lemonade
Lemonade ft. Baba Stiltz by Yung Lean
Recommended by Tim
First things first, this is not a pure song about kids selling their wares around the neighborhood for loose change; rather, Lemonade refers to "a specific strain of weed with a lemon it" (x). Though, it's also possible that Young Lean is not talking about these designer drags. Maybe it's about that juxtoposition of the "childish and innocent" lemonade with the drugs (x).
And then, as I'm sure you can imagine, Coke up in my swisher is not talking about soda in a sippy-cup.
The song literally starts off with its thesis statement: I can buy you lemonade, buy you drugs.
Thanks, man.
Other highlights from Genius include that fact that Young Lean is apparently considered to be a "meme rapper" (nothing could make me want to investigate his music more) and the picture of a guy buying multiple containers of Arizona tea at a gas station, which is set as the "explanation" for the line Arizona tears.

Take this song for what it is, lyrically, and try to enjoy it, instead, for Young Lean's unique voice and the dreamy elecronic accompaniment swimming around behind it.
Hip Hop
"'loosely affiliated' with the cloud rap movement"
Favorite Lyrics:
I make no sense,
make nonsense.
hard to follow, sounds cool though
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