Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hey Everybody!

Team is Now

Hey Everybody! by 5 Seconds of Summer

"This is such a kick ass song by one of the best bands around. No one writes like they do. Really a great group of dudes making music about the real problems people face."

This sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it? You're not crazy. The melody in the first two lines of each verse are definitely taken from Hungry Like the Wolf (Duran Duran were given writing credits and everything).

I think that helps with the catchiness of the song. Sometimes it takes a while to warm up to new music, but sampling from other pieces adds in a level of familiarity, even if it's just a few bars.

I think this is one of the catchiest songs I've ever had on this blog. 

Part of it is because of the classic Duran Duran melody, sure, but that's not all. I'm just as likely to find myself hung up on the oh oh oh oh part. Or even the two-note guitar thing that plays in the intro and in the background. It should come with a warning.

In addition to being super upbeat and fun, the song serves up a really positive message. We can work this out, but only if we're all in this together. (...wait)

The lyrics are about how everyone has low points. Maybe your low point was, like in the song, when you couldn't afford to pay for gas or rent. Maybe it was last week when you had to tell your friends to go out to dinner without your broke ass. Maybe your rock bottom had nothing to do with money.

Regardless of what exactly you're going through, the idea is that everyone has troubles at some time in their lives. But we can get through it, and you know it's gonna get better.

...I just quoted the wrong song, but you get the idea.

We can all get some.
Yeah, we can all get paid.

Good times lie ahead, but until then - misery loves company. We can be broke together.

Also, it's easy to sing along. I love the separation between words, how each syllable is distinctly punctuated. (Or should I say punk-tuated?) It reminds me of the clipped way Snape speaks, but in a less Slytherin manner. And for some reason, the phrasing in the line about insufficient funds just basically kills me.

Warning: Once you listen to this song, you can't get it out of your head. I mean, you could, but why would you want to? (...I gotta stop.)


Pop / Pop Punk...?

Favorite Lyrics:
We can't afford to give up.
We gotta make our own luck.

Sounds good, feels good

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