Thursday, July 7, 2016


Gotta Go Brush My Teeth

Paris by Ben Rector

Recommended by Carly

Everything about this song tells you to "feel good!" and I am helpless to refuse.

The grand opening, with the ooohs and Lady and the Tramp-style accordion, sets a distinctly romantic mood, and that warmth never goes away.

That guitar riff (later taken over by a piano) descends downward oh-so-gently, and I can't help thinking it's supposed to be a metaphor for falling in love. And falling back in love over and over and over again as it repeats in the background.

And you never really get tired of it. Because on top of that instrumental bit, you've got Ben Rector singing the sweetest lyrics about young love in the city of romance.

And you know he speaks right from the heart because of that dang music video. You're looking at Ben Rector and his wife, and that's real footage from their vacation in Paris (x). Icing on the cake.


Indie Pop Rock

Favorite Lyrics:
Young love feels like finding buried gold.

falling (back) in love with this guy

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